The Multilingualism Lab Laboratoire sur le multilinguisme

Publications: 1990-1999
Segalowitz, N., Poulsen, C., & Segalowitz, S. (1999). RT coefficient of variation is differentially sensitive to executive control involvement in an attention switching task. Brain and Cognition, 40, 255-258.
Segalowitz, N., & Lightbown, P. (1999). Psycholinguistic approaches to SLA. Annual Review Of Applied Linguistics, 19, 43-63. pdf
Segalowitz, N., O'Brien, I., & Poulsen, C. (1998). Evidence for a domain-specific component of attentional control in skilled performance. Brain and Cognition, 37, 129-132.
Segalowitz, S.J., Segalowitz, N., & Wood, A. (1998) Assessing the development of automaticity in second language word recognition. Applied Psycholinguistics, 19, 53-67. pdf
Segalowitz, N. (1997). Individual differences in second language acquisition. In A. de Groot & J. Kroll (Eds.) Tutorials in bilingualism. (pp. 85-112) Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. pdf
Segalowitz, N, & Gatbonton, Elizabeth. (1995) Automaticity and lexical skills in second language fluency: Implications for computer assisted language learning. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 8, 129-149. pdf
Segalowitz, N., Watson, V., & Segalowitz, Sidney, J. (1995) Vocabulary skill: Single case assessment of automaticity of word recognition in a timed lexical decision task. Second Language Research, 11, 121-136. pdf
Segalowitz, N., & Segalowitz, S.J. (1993) Skilled performance, practice, and the differentiation of speed-up from automatization effects: Evidence from second language word recognition. Applied Psycholinguistics, 14, 369-385. pdf
Segalowitz, N., Poulsen, C., & Komoda, M. (1991) Lower level components of reading skill in higher level bilinguals: implications for reading instruction. AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée) Review, 8, 15-30.
Segalowitz, N. (1991) Does advanced skill in a second language reduce automaticity in the first language? Language Learning, 41, 59-83. Reprinted in Lexical issues in second language learning (The Best of Language Learning Series). The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishers (1995).
Segalowitz, N., & Hébert, M. (1990) Phonological recoding in the first and second language reading of skilled bilinguals. Language Learning, 40, 503-538. Reprinted in A.H. Cumming, (Ed.) Bilingual Performance in Reading and Writing (The Best of Language Learning Series). The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishers (1994). (pp. 103-135)
Segalowitz, N. & Poulin-Dubois, D. (1990) The structure of categories: typicality gradients, perceived linguistic familiarity and cross-linguistic comparisons. European Bulletin of Cognitive Psychology, 10, 491-512. pdf
Cohen, H., & Segalowitz, N. (1990) Hemispheric involvement in the acquisition of new phonetic categories. Brain and Language, 38, 398-409.