The Multilingualism Lab Laboratoire sur le multilinguisme

Publications: 2000-2009
Segalowitz, N., Gatbonton, E., & Trofimovich, P. (2009). Links between ethnolinguistic affiliation, self-related motivation and second language fluency: Are they mediated by psycholinguistic variables? In Z. Dörnyei & E. Ushioda (Eds.), Motivation, language identity and the L2 self (pp. 172-192). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters. pdf
Farris, C., Trofimovich, P., Segalowitz, N., & Gatbonton, E. (2008). Air traffic communication in a second language: Implications of cognitive factors for training and assessment. TESOL Quarterly, 42, 397-410. pdf
Segalowitz, N., Trofimovich, P., Gatbonton, E., & Sokolovskaya, A. (2008). Feeling affect in a second language: The role of word recognition automaticity. The Mental Lexicon, 3 (1) 47-71. pdf
O'Brien, I., Segalowitz, N., Freed, B., & Collentine, J. (2007). Phonological memory predicts second language oral fluency gains in adults. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 29(4), 557-581. pdf
Segalowitz, N. (2007). Access fluidity, attention control, and the acquisition of fluency in a second language. TESOL Quarterly, 41 (1), 181-186. pdf
Trofimovich, P., Gatbonton, E., & Segalowitz. N. (2007). A dynamic look at L2 phonological learning: Seeking processing explanations for implicational phenomena. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 29 (3), 407-448. pdf
Dubiner, D., Freed, B. F., & Segalowitz, N. (2007). Native speakers' perceptions of fluency acquired by study abroad students and their implications for the classroom at home. In S. Wilkinson (Ed.), Insights from study abroad for language programs (pp. 2-21). Boston: Thomson Heinle.
O'Brien, I., Segalowitz, N., Collentine, J. & Freed, B. (2006). Phonological memory and lexical, narrative, and grammatical skills in second language oral production by adult learners. Applied Psycholinguistics, 27, 377-402. pdf
Segalowitz, N. & Hulstijn, J. (2005). Automaticity in bilingualism and second language learning. In J.F. Kroll & A.M.B. De Groot, (Eds.), Handbook of bilingualism: Psycholinguistic approaches. (pp. 371-388) Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pdf
Taube-Schiff, M., & Segalowitz, N. (2005). Within-language attention control in second language processing. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 8 (3), 195-206. pdf
Taube-Schiff, M., & Segalowitz, N. (2005). Linguistic attention control: Attention-shifting governed by grammaticized elements of language. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 31 (3), 508-519. pdf
Lacroix, G.L., Constantinescu, I., Cousineau, D., de Almeida, R. G., Segalowitz, N., & von Grünau, M. (2005). Attentional blink differences between adolescent dyslexic and normal readers. Brain & Cognition, 57, 115-119. pdf
Gatbonton, E., & Segalowitz, N. (2005). Rethinking communicative language teaching: a focus on access to fluency. Canadian Modern Language Review, 61, 325-353. pdf
Segalowitz, N. & Frenkiel-Fishman, S. (2005) Attention control and ability level in a complex cognitive skill: attention-shifting and second language proficiency. Memory & Cognition, 33(4), 644-653. pdf
Segalowitz, N., Freed, B., Collentine, J., Lafford, B., Lazar, N., & Díaz-Campos, M. (2004). A comparison of Spanish second language acquisition in two different learning contexts: Study abroad and the domestic classroom. Frontiers, 10(4), 1-18. pdf
Freed, B.F., Dewey, D.P., Segalowitz, N.S., & Halter, R.H. (2004). The language contact profile. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 26(2), 349-356. pdf
Freed, B.F., Segalowitz, N., & Dewey, D. (2004). Context of learning and second language fluency in French: Comparing regular classroom, study abroad, and intensive domestic immersion programs. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 26(2), 275-301. pdf
Segalowitz, N. & Freed, B.F. (2004). Context, contact and cognition in oral fluency acquisition: learning Spanish in At Home and Study Abroad contexts. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 26(2), 173-199. pdf
Phillips, N.A., Segalowitz, N., O'Brien, I. & Yamasaki, N. (2004). Semantic priming in a first and second language: Evidence from reaction time variability and event-related brain potentials. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 17, 237-262. pdf
Segalowitz, N. (2003) Automaticity and second language acquisition. In C. Doughty & M. Long (Eds.), The handbook of second language acquisition. (pp. 382-408) Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. pdf
Pichette, F., Segalowitz, N., & Connors, K. (2003). Impact of maintaining L1 reading skills on L2 reading skill development in adults: Evidence from speakers of Serbo-Croatian learning French. Modern Language Journal, 87(3), 391 - 403. pdf
Segalowitz, N., & de Almeida, R. G. (2002) Conceptual representation of verbs in bilinguals: Semantic field effects and a second language performance paradox. Brain and Language, 80, 517-531. pdf
Segalowitz, N., Cohen, P., Chan, A. & Prieur, T. (2001). Musical recall memory: contributions of elaboration and depth of processing. Psychology of Music, 29, 139-148. pdf
Segalowitz, N. (2001). On the evolving connections between psychology and linguistics. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 21, 3-22. pdf
Poulsen, C., & Segalowitz, N. (2000) Selective effects of prior motivational experience on current on-line control of attention. Brain and Cognition, 43, 365-37. pdf
Segalowitz, N. (2000). Automaticity and attentional skill in fluent performance. In H. Riggenbach (Ed.) Perspectives on fluency. (pp. 200-219) Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. pdf